5024 STEAM at HOME


At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic national lockdown, FRC team 5024 Raider Robotics had just come off the high of the 2020 Humber College event and were sad to see that the rest of the 2020 Infinite Recharge season was being cancelled. However, 5024 did not let these unfortunate times, and the fact that they could not meet in person, dampen their trademark 5024 spirit. In the spirit of discovery, impact, teamwork and fun, 5024 used their specialty drive and enthusiasm to put a smile on peoples’ faces by organizing two months of virtual STEAM-based events. These events were posted on the team’s Instagram page (@frc5024) and Youtube channel (Raider Robotics 5024), making it easily accessible to the public and community. 

The initiative, STEAM at HOME, showcased DVD hovercrafts, marble roller coasters, rubber eggs, and 27 other incredible activities and experiments all created by students, mentors, and alumni of 5024 who have a passion for STEAM at their core. In order to uphold Covid-19 guidelines and ensure safe participation in the process, the activities and experiments required no trips outside the home, and utilized everyday items from around the house to allow for cost-friendly fun. The team created this outreach event to provide an amusing and educational source of entertainment for children and parents who were self-quarantining or physically distancing due to the pandemic. 

Overall, this initiative was a tremendous success! The videos received attention online and they were a fun way for our team to come together to create outreach content and lift our spirits. With the videos being accessible virtually, it allowed the team to tap into their creativity and develop various amusing educational activities while staying safe. The students and mentors of Team 5024 Raider Robotics were all happy and excited to think of new and different ways to further educate and inspire families through the wonderful world of STEAM and lift each other up in the process.