University Profile – The University of Waterloo’s Mechatronics Engineering Program


In each issue, we would like to spotlight a University Program so students can get ideas of where they want to apply to university. In this issue, we are spotlighting the University of Waterloo’s Mechatronics Engineering program!


The Mechatronics program was created in 2000 by a group of professors from the Mechanical Engineering, Systems Design Engineering, and Electrical & Computer Engineering faculties at Waterloo. The program’s courses were selected from each of the engineering faculties and are designed to give students a wide range of knowledge and skills. This mechatronics program at Waterloo is the first mechatronics program in Canada.

Mechatronics Engineering

Mechatronics engineering is designing computer-controlled electromechanical systems. In mechatronics, machines like ATMs, drones or even large-scale manufacturing systems are created. In the mechatronics program at The University of Waterloo, you will learn to design systems like these and many more. 


The Mechatronics program is also a co-op program! The University of Waterloo has the largest co-op program in North America with over 7,100 employers! In co-op, you can also make between $8,400 and $18,000 per work term in Canada. In the co-op program, you will gain work and life experience and money to help you pay for school.

Students in co-op at Waterloo can work at many organizations from small startup firms to huge companies, including General Motors, Google, Snapchat, Morgan Stanley and Disney.

High School Prerequisites

To apply to the University of Waterloo’s mechatronics program, you will need these six high school perquisites. They are 

  • Advanced Functions 4U
  • Calculus and Vectors 4U
  • Chemistry 4U
  • English 4U 
  • Physics 4U

You do not need to write an essay or create a portfolio, but you do need to fill out the admission information form. To find it, click the link:

First Year Courses

In the first year of the mechatronics engineering program, courses focus on basic mathematics, physics, computations and engineering materials. Here is the list of first-year courses that are taken by mechatronics engineering students:

Term Course and Title
1A (Fall) CHE 102 Chemistry for Engineers
  MTE 121 Digital Computation
  MATH 115 Linear Algebra for Engineering
  MATH 116 Calculus 1 for Engineering
  MTE 100 Mechatronics Engineering
1B (S/W)    MATH 118 Calculus 2 For Engineering
  MTE 111 Structure and Properties of Materials
  MTE 119 Statics
  MTE 120 Circuits
  MTE 140 Algorithms and Data Structures


Student Life

In addition to school and work, the University of Waterloo has many other things to offer! Including over 250 clubs, varsity sports teams and many recreational facilities including the physical activities complex and the Columbia Icefield Facility. There are also many recreational programs you can take part in like aquatics, ice activities, racquet sports, 2,500 different fitness and wellness classes, dance, martial arts intramural and tournaments and many more!


At the University of Waterloo, there are three main residences for first-year students. First, Village 1, the very first residence built at the University of Waterloo. Next, Ron Eydt Village, a first-year exclusive residence. Finally, Claudette Millar Hall, located near the centre of the University offers single and semi-private double rooms.

In Village 1, a single room or an interconnecting room costs $4,019 for the fall term and a double room costs $3,605.

In Ron Eydt Village, only double room options are available costing $3,605 for the fall term.

And in Claudette Millar Hall, a single room costs $4,201 and a semi-private double room costs $4,408 for the fall term.

The average meal plan costs $2,724 per term.

Amazing Alum and Students

The mechatronics program at the University of Waterloo has many alums and many current students who are doing amazing things with the knowledge and skills they learned in the program. Here are two of them:

Sam Dugan – Inventor of SmartPatrol

First is Sam Dugan, a 22-year-old student at Waterloo who created a device called “SmartPatrol” which can make ski resorts safer. When skiers or snowboarders go on steep inclines and jump onto landing zones, someone cannot always see them to check if they made the jump safely or if they are hurt. SmartPatrol is a video camera on a pole which watches areas like steep inclines and landing zones. The computer software in SmartPatrol looks at the video footage the camera collected to determine if someone is okay. SmartPatrol makes ski resorts much safer and can save lives. 

Manmeet Maggu – CEO of Trexo Robotics

Next is Manmeet Maggu, during his fourth year in the mechatronics program at the University of Waterloo, his nephew, Praneit, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and could not walk. Maggu and his family looked for a solution that would help Praneit to walk. Unfortunately, they found nothing. So, Maggu and his friend created a device that allowed Praneit to walk.

“Watching Praneit take his first steps was the proudest moment of my life,” said Maggu.

Manmeet Maggu is the CEO of Trexo Robotics, a company that makes these machines that change children’s lives by giving them the ability to walk.

Contact the University of Waterloo

200 University Avenue West

Waterloo, ON, Canada  N2L 3G1

+1 519 888 4567

Instagram – @uofwaterloo

Facebook – @university.waterloo 


Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo:


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