Emiko Wijeysundera – FRC 7558 Alt-F4

two girls in black with hair bands

This is SUCH a hard question! I have so many incredible memories… but I think one of my top ones was at 2019’s District Champs. As a rookie team, we had never been to such a huge event and the energy was crazy! It was thrilling and so much fun. At one point, we had just sent the robot off for a match, and were running up all those stairs to get to the stands, when a member from our team ran up with this gigantic Alt-F4 flag that they were tired of holding. It was easily the same size as me and was so heavy – I ran down to our section of the stands, attempting to wave it, but it was a pretty poor attempt; I remember it being such a funny moment – we were all so exhausted, my voice was super hoarse, and it was right before our match (tensions were running high)… it is one of my favourite moments because its such a clear snapshot of the excitement and energy of that weekend. I miss it!